Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Challenge Accepted

OK, so it's a challenge from me to me, which is always the toughest challenge of all. I don't usually feel like I really have to live up to my own expectations but when I don't end up succeeding in whatever challenge that I've set for myself, the depression is worse than when I've let someone else down. So I offer/accept this challenge with deep breaths and great tawakkal. 

It is the month of Ramadhan and with an exclusively breastfed four and a half month baby boy, I am determined to ensure that he will get all the nutrition he needs this Ramadhan. Which means Mommy needs to get all her nutrition she needs and more. Which is hard because Mommy loves her chocolate and cakes. And no matter how much Mommy tells herself to drink enough water, cendol and Bandung still fill her glasses, and by the second week of Ramadhan, often would she sport the dehydrated look.

But that will all change this year. Insya Allah. With enough determination and enough thought put into my everyday menu, I look forward to a rewarding and healthy month ahead, for both Mommy and Baby Adam.

I broke my fast two hours ago, and being the first day, everything went smoothly, Alhamdulillah. Having said that, it is an off day from work and so, not a fair account of what a normal everyday routine is like. I am looking forward to stuffing myself with dates and fruits and finishing that minimum 1.5l of water. Here's to success. And I have to succeed because I don't allow myself any other options. More updates in the coming days.

Ramadhan Kareem.

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