Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Wonderful Cardiff Visit

There was a time when visiting Cardiff was as routine as going to campus. As though I was commuting between Cardiff and Exeter.

There was a time when I would catch an early train from Cardiff to arrive in Exeter so I could go to my 9am Seminar.

Or caught a train at 4.30pm, right after I finished my afternoon lecture.

Those were the good times.

No wonder it hits me hard when I am in a situation where Cardiff is....thousands of miles away from me. But I know for sure it has something to do with the good friends I have there that makes me long to be in Cardiff; that makes Cardiff like a second (third?) home to me.

And this time round, I had a chance to visit again. However short, it was worth the while, but nevertheless, upon leaving and realizing that I would once again be away from that comforting familiarity and wonderful companion of a friend irreplaceable, my tears flowed uncontrollably.

How times have passed, how friendship is cherished. Until next time...

PS: Pictures about this blog can be found here.


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