"Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch"
I was looking through some old pictures (well, actually, not so old, which makes this even harder for me to accept) and I found pictures of me when I was on my final year of Uni and when I first met the husband. Seeing those, I thought "God, why did I ever think I needed to lose weight then?? I was fiiiiine!!!" especially compared to my 'condition' now.
This fits in perfectly with a pact that I made with my sister-in-law (who came back from the UK recently - welcome back!!) just a few days ago. We made a pact that we are going to try and fit into clothes that we haven't been able to 'get' in comfortably for a while. And that shall expire in August, so I got 6 weeks to look as fabulous as 3 years ago.
Of course, if I take this up with the hubby, he will deny to his dying day that I still look fabulous anyway. Tsk. It's that kind of 'motivation' and 'encouragement' that has led me astray. (If you are reading this, I think it's sweet though :) )
So here we are, to fitting into old clothes for some added good ol' self-esteem and healthier lifestyle...
alahai julezz... if you only knew... my fiance sma jua... "lawa jua syg me... jgn tah u ingau kn sgt... " iatah nada nie buii...
on the other hand he's the one yg slalu dgni aku mmbli stuff for my "sport of the moment"...
i guess it balances out... hee!
btw,,, its hawa commenting!!!
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