Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fish Night Lights

I. Would. Absolutely. Kill. For. One. Of. Those.

Speaking of fish, one of my Neon Tetras died. As if the weekend ending isn't bad enough. In fact, it might be the end of the weekend that drove the fish to its death. Slight exaggeration.

It was devastating! I have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to sit down and look at their progress for quite a while now. I only get to have a quick look during feeding time, and a bit longer when I change the tank water. So when I actually sat down yesterday afternoon to observe the fishes, I saw one stuck at the plastic plant, already pale and bitten.

My two goldfish are also in dire need to be moved into a new tank, which I will get to by the end of the month. We went out this afternoon (details of which I will relinquish in a different entry, as it is of a much happier news) and saw a pet store in Kiulap around the Hotmart/Aneka Rasa/Ayamku area. It was awesome! The hubby saw a complete starter tank for goldfish which comes in different themes. I've set my eyes on the Pirate theme! And the store sells biological filters which I have been searching for all over the place since I started my tank!

So now, I can't wait to set up my new tank for the goldfish. Especially now that my pleco has grown a bit and is starting to attack the goldfish.

Moreover, once I remove the goldfish, there will be more space in my current tank. Hence, I can finally get those glass catfish I've been eyeing!

Picture: My current tank taken by Hajmi(thanks!). The background of the tank is kindly provided by my dear husband :D


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